Monday, September 30, 2019

Cybercrime Definition Essay

What is this Cyber crime? We read about it in newspapers very often. Let’s look at the dictionary definition of Cybercrime: â€Å"It is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money†. Mr. Pavan Duggal, who is the President of and consultant, in a report has clearly defined the various categories and types of cybercrimes. Cybercrimes can be basically divided into 3 major categories: 1. Cybercrimes against persons. 2. Cybercrimes against property. 3. Cybercrimes against government. Cybercrimes against persons: Cybercrimes committed against persons include various crimes like transmission of child-pornography, harassment of any one with the use of a computer such as e-mail. The trafficking, distribution, posting, and dissemination of obscene material including pornography and indecent exposure, constitutes one of the most important Cybercrimes known today. The potential harm of such a crime to humanity can hardly be amplified. This is one Cybercrime which threatens to undermine the growth of the younger generation as also leave irreparable scars and injury on the younger generation, if not controlled. A minor girl in Ahmedabad was lured to a private place through cyberchat by a man, who, along with his friends, attempted to gangrape her. As some passersby heard her cry, she was rescued. Another example wherein the damage was not done to a person but to the masses is the case of the Melissa virus. The Melissa virus first appeared on the internet in March of 1999. It spread rapidly throughout computer systems in the United States and Europe. It is estimated that the virus caused 80 million dollars in damages to computers worldwide. In the United States alone, the virus made its way through 1.2 million computers in one-fifth of the country’s largest businesses. David Smith pleaded guilty on Dec. 9, 1999 to state and federal charges associated with his creation of the Melissa virus. There are numerous examples of such computer viruses few of them being â€Å"Melissa† and â€Å"love bug†. Cyberharassment is a distinct Cybercrime. Various kinds of harassment can and do occur in cyberspace, or through the use of cyberspace. Harassment can be sexual, racial, religious, or other.

Karl Marx Essay

Karl Marx who was christened ‘the father of modern communism’ was a well renowned philosopher whose ideologies in the political, economy as well as social perspectives were very significant. To Marx, the issue of inequality in society was a major concern and a central point in his ideologies. He blamed the inequality in society on the economic production. (Healey J 2006). He placed more emphasis on the means of production which simply implied the tools or materials used in order to ensure that goods and services were produced and distributed. To Marx, the means of production could vary depending on the prevailing economic system. In cases of agricultural societies, land would be an important means of production while for the industrial society the machinery and equipment, factories as well as the transportation system were the means of production. Marx further noted that societies were dominated by capitalistic tendencies in spite of them being agricultural or industrial. To him there are two major social classes who are in continued struggle or conflict over the means of production. The two major classes are the bourgeoisie who not only own but also control the factors of production and it is also the ruling class. (Healey J 2006). The other class comprises of the proletariat or the working class. Marx believed that conflicts between the two distinct classes were eminent or rather inevitable. The resultant effect was that the proletariat class would over throw the bourgeoisie and an equitable society would be attained. In the new society exploitation and coercion would be a thing of the past. The new society would be a class less society and inequality would be erased and social change would be attained. Marx presented a conflicting society that was characterised by continued class struggle. (Healey J 2006) Healey in ‘Race, Ethnicity, Gender and class’, noted that Max Weber a German sociologist was a major critic of Marx ideologies. He argued that Marx ideology of inequality in society was a very narrow one. To Weber, the inequality problem in society was complex and not as simple as Marx presented it. He was quite categorical that inequalities in society could not be wholly blamed on economic forces. In this regard he noted the cases where people may belong to the elite class in society but lack wealth attached to it or vice versa. Some people may have the wealth but lack the self esteem. (Healey J, 2006) Marx and Weber agreed on the issue of inequalities in society. Weber expounded on Marx ideologies and he in fact adopted other stratification mechanisms regarding inequalities with ownership and control of factors of production which was similar to Karl Marx’s class ideology. Secondly, he brought about the idea of ‘prestige’ where the amount of honour or self esteem given to people by others was highlighted. To Weber, factors like class, family lineage as well as physical appearance affected the amount of prestige or honour to be placed on people by others. The third stratification according to Weber was power or the ability to influence or control others. A person’s stand in political organisation determined how powerful they were in the society. To Weber, the three groups had similar characteristics in the sense that wealthy, prestigious were likely to be more powerful when compared to the poor people in the society. (Healey J, 2006). Both Marx and Weber agreed that the development of capitalism was as a result of accumulated capital. However, they differed on how the accumulation was ensured. Marx was convinced that ‘owners of the means of production or the ‘bourgeois acquired immense capital through expropriation and exploitation of the working class or the proletariat. On the other hand Weber perceived a society where the accumulation of capital was attributed to the dedication, self denial and hard work of the capitalists. As Etzioni – Halevy in ‘Social change’ noted, Weber viewed ‘social change in society as caused not only by the economic factors but also by values and ideas’ (Etzioni – Halery E). Notably, Weber did not underestimate the role of or importance of economic factors in as far as social change in society was concerned. Some of Weber’s viewpoints earned him no fame as they just blended what Marx had earlier presented. The main distinction pertaining his ideologies was his emphasis on the fact that the ‘advent of modern capitalism could not be wholly blamed on the economic factors’. (Etzioni-Halevy J, 1981). To him, values had a very significant role to play and to this regard had to be considered with the same intensity that was attached to economic factors. Important values cited by Weber included achievement – oriented values which worked to motivate the entrepreneurs to work devotedly while negating from consumption to embrace investment. He perceived a society where entrepreneurs would instead of consuming their profits re-invest to earn more profits. (Etzioni-Halery J, 1981) To Marx, social change would be realised when the two conflicting classes were no more or when the working class overthrew the ruling class over the means of production. Weber rejected this view point on the argument that social change was a complex aspect which was affected by the class groupings as well as the varying or diverse status. (Allan K, 2005) The working class according to Marx earned a living by selling their labour to the owners of the means of production or capitalists. There was an eminent exploitation between the two classes in the society. Marx coined the term ‘pauperization’ to mean the process through which the rich became richer as the poor grew poorer. The exploitation was due to the fact that the wages paid to the working class by the capitalists was not equitable to the work or output they produced. Apart from receiving poor pay, the working class in poor conditions that negatively affected their mental as well as physical well being. (Giddens A and Griffiths, 2006). Weber backed Marx idea that the society was characterised by conflicts for power as well as resources. On how the society was structured Weber negated from Marx ideology that economic factors alone had a role to play in its determination. In contrast he noted that other important aspects like status as well as party had a role in class differences. According to Weber they could emerge from other aspects rather than economic forces. He noted that economic differences could arise from other resources rather than property for instance skills, qualifications or credentials. Taylor G and Spencer S, 2004). Weber argued that capitalism was not necessarily the critical factor triggering alienation and deprivation of the working class. Consequently, elimination of the private ownership would not suffice in resolving the inequality issue in the society. Weber blamed the alienation to ‘the omnipotent structures of the bureaucratic rule’ (Hamilton P, 1991). Weber rejected socialism as a way of resolving the problems associated or linked in capitalism.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Technology Life Cycle

All new technologies goes through a technology adoption life cycle in which certain market groups adopt the product before others are willing to do so. Here is each of the market groups: Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Innovators in a general sense, is a person or an organization who is one of the first to introduce into reality something better than before. That often opens up a new area for others and achieves an innovation. They pursue new technology aggressively, learning about and evaluating new products in an effort to be first.They’re also relatively few in numbers—so for marketers, they represent a major key to the marketing campaign. Next down the list, early adopters are visionaries, not technologists. They are found at ease when imagining, understanding, and appreciating the advantage of new technology. When it comes to high-tech products, they’re looking for vital breakthroughs, not minor improvements. They rel y on their own intuition and vision to make their buying decisions, which make them the key to opening up a high-tech market group.Following, early majority customers are centered on the linking of practice and theory. The early majority know many of the upcoming inventions are just passing fads. They let the early adopters test the new technologies and post their experience with it to establish solid references. Approximately one-third of the adoption life cycle is early majority that is why this market group is the key to substantial profits and growth. Next, late majority adopters are conservative. They’re content to be followers, and often are not comfortable in their ability to handle new technology.They tend to wait until something has become standardized and seen a lot of support. Like the Early majority the late majority comprise about one-third of the entire buying population. This makes for high profitability, while its profits decrease as the produce matures, so do the selling costs, and virtually all the R&D costs have been amortized. Last of the cycle is laggards, this group are considered skeptics. They are very late adopters and in some cases they never adopt. If they do end up buying a new technology they tend to overlook it because it is a bi-product of another product.Realize that you’re not going to sell to this audience until very very late in your product life cycle, most likely when your product has become well accepted. In summary of the technology adoption life cycle, this cycle shows that technology is accepted in the community in stages which relates to the mental and collective understanding of the five groups that make up the community. The high-tech marketing model is a strategy that uses the technology adoption life cycle as the source to examine ways to market a product.It works by starting with the innovators by building a reputation and then moves to the next group, the early adopters, in hopes of the innovators c ompelling the early adopters to get on the â€Å"bandwagon†. The process continues all the way to laggards. The key to keep this process moving smoothly is to maintain a momentum, which makes it more natural for the next group to buy into the product. Another key is to keep up with the current technology by taking in the phrase â€Å"window of opportunity. † Competitors can easily overtake your market if the momentum is lost.The high-tech marketing model is a smooth transition that goes through stages of the technology adoption life cycle. If you can get there first, and establish a standard through the beginning of the cycle you gain a monopoly over the market in which you could gain high profits throughout the cycle and establish a sustained product. A good example of the previous concepts being used is the Lotus 1-2-3, which was the first spread sheet for IBM PC. The Innovators first started using lotus 1-2-3, stating that it was â€Å"slick† and â€Å"fastà ¢â‚¬ .Subsequently, the early adopters started using it because the new things they can do with it, such as the â€Å"what if† analysis. Next on the bandwagon, the early majority, they started using it because of its uses with common business operations. As it started to become standardized the late majority eventually fell into line. By the end of the 1980s it was pretty much the only standard program used for spreadsheets. There are several cracks in the technology adoption life cycle, from the innovators to the early adopters, from the early adopters to the early majority.But the latter happens to be the most challenging and an unrecognizable division chasm. The transition goes unnoticed because that in both groups the customer list and the size of the order can look relatively the same. The products that the early adopters buy, is some kind of change agent. Being the first in the industry gives a head start on the competition. When we move on to early majority they want to buy a productivity improvement for their current operations. Ultimately, they want evolution. This eventually leads to a catch-22.In a catch-22 situation the early adopters have already caught on and it has been publicized. In the end the product seems to never get past the early adopter group. When the promoters of high-tech products try to move on from their early adopters group, they leave the early majority without a reference and support. This chasm has made many marketers fail in the past. The early market is what the staff members interpret as sales of increasingly smooth curve, but in reality it is an initial blip and not an emerging mainstream market unfolding.Companies can fail when their managers don’t notice the transition from early adopters to early majority. This leads to high expectations and too much time spent on expansion rather than husbanding resources. This result in an illusion of high-tech marketing, which is the belief induced by the high-tech mark eting model that new markets unfold in a continuous and smooth way. While trying to avoid perils of the chasm, a new state needs to be established to examine and correct the flaws that are associated with the technology adoption life cycle. In turn, this provides a secure basis for marketing development with minimum problems.

Deviance, Psychiatry and Cultural Relativism

The paper â€Å"Borderlands: Deviance, Psychiatry and Cultural Relativism† by Robert Bartholomew discusses cultural differences i. e. what is considered normal and rational in one culture may be considered abnormal in others. Therefore, the author analyzes different attitudes towards human actions (e. g. suicide), and provides overview of cultural relativism and psychiatry. The author’s thesis is that people interpret the world depending on their social and cultural context. He argues that science can’t be applied to identifying and treating abnormality.Bartholomew says that normality is â€Å"not an objective given from which simple assessments of behaviour can be rendered independent of historical era, culture, or group†. (P. 36-37) Normality is defined by cultural background and cultures have their own interpretations what to consider rational or irrational. For example, suicide is not acceptable in Western countries, whereas it is considered normal in Japan. Further, Bartholomew defines cultural relativism as theory of knowledge which is responsible for working out criteria how to judge behaviour of other culture.It is not static and depends on circumstances. There are few standards of universal conduct to evaluate this or that society. The author claims that the problem of cultural relativism results in serious dilemmas for mental health professionals. Actually, psychiatric diagnoses don’t involve assessment of cultural development and influence. However, psychiatry is more interested in religious, social and cultural background than other medical fields. Bartholomew assumes that psychiatry is the most contentious medical branch.In psychiatry ‘illness’ is defined as experiencing living problems, rather than discernible cerebral disease that affects human behaviour. The negative moment is that Western medicine is still transmitting social and professional stereotypes constituting its own values and norms. Summ ing up, the author recommends – when to judge whether the person is normal, it is necessary to get acquainted with his social world and cultural background. Works Cited Bartholomew, Robert. â€Å"Borderlands: Deviance, Psychiatry and Cultural Relativism†. Skeptic, 8, 3 (2000): 36-40.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Education Plays A Very Important Role Education Essay

Education plays a really of import function in bring forthing human resources for all states around the universe. A state can go good developed based significantly on the quality of human resources and this can be achieved through carry oning instruction. Cambodia is one of the states in the universe which need a good instruction system to bring forth qualified human resources for developing the state. The instruction system in Cambodia is divided into four degrees, Pre-School Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education ( lower and upper ) , and Higher Education ( UNESCO, 2008 ) . The Royal Government of Cambodia ( RGC ) has set the end to assist kids acquire basic instruction to at least grade nine. After finishing grade 9, pupils can either travel to upper secondary schools or secondary vocational preparation plan provided by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training ( MOLVT ) . After finishing upper secondary school, pupils can either enter vocational preparation or uni versities ( UNESCO, 2008 ) . Technical Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) plays a critical function in the socio-economic development of any state. The Royal Government of Cambodia ( RGC ) is committed to economic and societal development as a precedence. The ‘Rectangular Strategy ‘ , the sanctioned national economic development model, and the more elaborate 5 old ages National Strategic Development Plan 2006 – 2010 are committed to skills development. Cambodia will accomplish the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) of Poverty and Starvation Reduction, Enhancing Gender Equity and Creation of Globalization Partnership for Development partially through a antiphonal and better quality preparation system. For growing, employment, equity and efficiency the RGC is committed to beef uping the Technical Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) sector, ( NSDP, 2006 – 2010 ) . To accomplish this committedness, the RGC mandated the constitution of a new ministry, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training ( MOLVT ) , in 2004. Within the ministry the Directorate General of TVET ( DGTVET ) was established and under this sits the National Training Board ( NTB ) with a mission to guarantee that Cambodia meets its economic and development ends through an industry driven, quality TVET system, ( National TVET Development Plan, 2008 ) . A cardinal scheme to accomplish quality effectual TVET and competence based course of study and preparation is designation one of the TVET teacher instruction institute, runing under the Directorate General, TVET, as a Lead Institute and a Centre for Excellence for TVET instructor preparation in Cambodia. That institute is responsible for VET Teacher Training and Development for instructors serving both the Regional and Provincial Training Centers in throughout the state, ( National TVET Development Plan, 2008 ) . There are 38 TVET establishments run by Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training ( MOLVT ) in Cambodia and those establishments are separated as Provincial Training Centers ( PTCs ) , Regional Training Centers ( RTCs ) , and TVET institutes, ( National TVET Development Plan, 2008 ) . TVET instructors instruction are trained by a TVET establishments under the umbrella of MOLVT and it is the lone establishment which has the chief responsibility to develop TVET instructors both Senior and Junior degree for all of the 38 TVET establishments throughout the state. Since 2005, the MOLVT has set the policy to enroll three 300 of TVET teacher trainees every twelvemonth, ( National TVET Development Plan, 2008 ) .1.2 Problem statementA survey conducted by Nock and Bishop ( 2008 ) showed the major causes of Kampuchean instructor dissatisfaction such as low wage, corruption/nepotism, hapless leading, hapless life conditions, pupils behavior, and working environment. The same survey revealed tha t 99 % of the respondents said that they could non last on their salary and this problem caused 93 % of them to keep a 2nd occupation. Furthermore, other surveies in Cambodia besides found out the increasing discourtesy from society toward instructors in public schools ( CITA, 2010 ) . MoEYS ( 2010b ) admitted that many instructors have left their instruction places, transferred to new occupations, and reached the retirement age. The jobs besides occur in MOLVT. These surveies above did non stipulate the jobs in TVET but they outlined the common jobs go oning in the Kampuchean instruction environment. In add-on to the affairs mentioned above, it is widely accepted that TVET is a really hapless sector in Cambodia and it is frequently considered as the 2nd pick to all people including pupils, ( ADB, 2009 ) . TVET is a freshly established establishment which merely started developing in 2004, the twelvemonth that MOLVT was established. The registration rate in TVET is really low if compared to academic instruction, ( ADB, 2009 ) . Furthermore, the leading, learning installations, and particularly human resources are in the bad status, ( ADB, 2009 ) . Yet, there are many alumnuss who come and apply for the entryway scrutiny to be a TVET instructor at a TVET instructor instruction institute in Phnom Penh. Based on my occupation, I am able to acquire the information from disposal office and I see that, normally the figure of appliers who applied for the entryway scrutiny ever far exceeds the figure of recruits. For illustration, in the academic twelvemonth 2012 – 2013, there are more than 1,800 campaigners have applied for the entryway scrutiny while MOLVT recruits merely 300 of instructor trainees. Given the relatively low position of TVET, it is ill-defined why there are so many alumnuss enter the entryway scrutiny to go a TVET instructor.1.3 Research QuestionTo go through the entryway scrutiny at the TVET teacher instruction institute is non easy. Yet, there are some trainees who drop out from this preparation plan when they have another pick or better occupation chance. Therefore, this research is fundamentally aimed at happening out the chief motive factors that encourage trainees desiring to go a instructor in the TVET sector. The specific inquiry that the survey seeks to reply is: â€Å" What are the motivative factors of university alumnuss who have entered the proficient instructor developing establishment in respect to their pick of a proficient vocational instruction and preparation instructor calling? †1.4 Significance of the researchThis survey will be utile in some countries as following. First, this survey will lend to determination shapers or policy shaper when enrolling TVET instructor trainees. These people will hold some basic findings from this research so that they will be able to do good determinations when be aftering TVET teacher preparation. If TVET contrivers understand teacher motive, they will be able to turn to any failings in that motive. Second, through understanding teacher motive, this research helps to retain instructors in TVET instruction. Last, but non least, the survey will lend to the present literature on TVET teacher preparation sector, a sector in which virtually no research has been done on TVET instructors.Chapter II Literature reappraisalBy utilizing the hunt engine Google Scholar and the James Cook University Library hunt engine with cardinal footings including: Teacher motives, Motivation to go instructors, Motivations to go TVET instructors, and perceptual experiences of university alumnuss toward TVET instructors career, I have found and downloaded many valuable stuffs for my literature reappraisal related to my subject. Those stuffs give an overview on my subject, and they work as a footing of cognition to back up the literature reappraisal.Teacher MotivationsThe international contextA figure of surveies have been conducted in many states throughout the universe over the last 20 old ages researching the motive of those who decide to go school instructors ( Kyriacou & A ; Coulthard, 2000 ) . Such surveies indicate that the chief grounds for taking instruction as a calling autumn into three chief countries. First, selfless grounds: these grounds deal with seeing learning as a socially worthw hile and of import occupation, the aspiration to acquire kids successful, and the aspiration to do society developed as we can see that many people wish to portion their cognition and expertness to other people in order to supply the capable affair to their community. Second, instrinsic grounds: these grounds screens facets of the occupation activity itself, such as learning kids activities, and the willingness to utilize their capable affair cognition and expertness in which 95 % of pupils in this survey rated that they find the occupation gratifying as really of import factor in taking learning calling. Third, extrinsic grounds: these grounds cover facets of the occupation which are non built-in in the work itself, such as long vacations, degree of wage, and position as there are many people choose teacher calling for their ain benefit such as good payment, for journey, or for pleasance. The consequences of such surveies have received peculiar attending because of the enlisting cr isis confronting many states in pulling people of sufficient quality into the instruction ( Kyriacou & A ; Coulthard, 2000 ) . Kyriacou, Hultgren, and Stephens ( 1999 ) argued similar grounds to what is mentioned in the paragraph above. In this survey, 105 pupil instructors in Stavanger College School of Teachers ‘ Education, Norway, and 112 pupil instructors in University of York, United Kingdom, were asked to finish the questionnaire at the beginning of their instructor preparation class. They revealed the consequence that both groups of pupil instructors reported that their picks came from being strongly influenced by basking the topic they would learn, desiring to work with kids, the fact that teacher calling would give them opportunities to utilize their topic, and long vacations every bit good as societal hours. DeLong ( 1987 ) conducted a survey about â€Å" Teachers and Their Careers: Why Do They Choose Teaching? † in Brigham Young University, Provo, by indiscriminately selected 139 simple and secondary instructors to take part in the survey. The consequence found some similar grounds to the above paragraph why people choose their calling in learning as following: most people rated ‘I like working with children/youth ‘ the most follow by ‘I like to assist others larn and develop ‘ , following is ‘it fulfills a demand of mine to experience useful/contributing ‘ , and so ‘I wish the hours and holidaies ‘ , least rated one is ‘It ‘s a profession that besides allows me clip to prosecute other occupations or concern ‘ and ‘I wish money ‘ . The survey besides stated about the influences on instructors ‘ credence of first learning occupations such as geographical location, learn my country of expertness, me rely needed a occupation, occupation satisfaction, good administration/bosses, long-range security, a opportunity to be originative, good physical environment, benefits, liberty, and promotion into school disposal. The consequence of this survey suggests that instructors go into learning for really different grounds and are influenced in different ways to take learning as calling. Ebru ( 2012 ) surveyed 974 Turkish pre-service instructors to analyze their perceptual experiences about the instruction profession and to seek for ground for taking instruction as a calling. The consequences showed that the motive for taking learning that was highest rated was the â€Å" societal public-service corporation value † of the learning profession such as part to societal, determining the hereafter for kids or striplings, heightening societal equity, etc. Another motive was Personal public-service corporation value of learning profession, for illustration, clip for household, occupation transferability, and occupation security. Besides, the following most rated motive was the anterior instruction and acquisition experiences. Most of the engagement in this survey besides listed their personal abilities and accomplishments as a major ground to take instruction and â€Å" work with kids or striplings † was the following most often mentioned motive of the partici pants. Berger and D ‘ Ascoli conducted a survey about â€Å" Motivations to Become Vocational Education and Training Educators: A Person-Oriented Approach † and they argued some similar to what is discussed above. 605 in-service VET pedagogues in Switzerland were surveyed and the consequences revealed that the most of import for taking a calling as VET pedagogue are intrinsic calling value, perceived teaching ability, personal public-service corporation value, and chance. These consequences showed rather the same survey consequences in general instruction.The Kampuchean contextThe survey by Nock and Bishop ( 2008 ) about the instructor motive in Cambodia has stated the most common grounds why people want to travel to learning are: a strong involvement in the occupation, a desire to assist Cambodia ‘s development by bettering instruction, and because of they enjoy contact with kids. However, some instructors said that they were influenced by their household, had no other o ccupation chance, and chose learning to avoid muster into the ground forces. These three grounds seem to be contrasted with all the literature discussed above. The survey went farther to discourse about the features of a motivated instructor are as following. First, they have good relationship and communicating with pupils with a happy and pleasant personality. Second, they focused on and committed to the occupation by hardworking, punctual, painstaking, and confident, with a serious attitude. Third, they obey the regulations and ever hold a good working environment in the schoolroom and ever keep good pupil attending. Fourth, they are adept and willing to actuating pupil acquisition and accomplishing good consequences. Fifth, they behave in a normal manner and suitably. Sixth, they have a good lesson readying and are flexible when it is used. Seventh, they have good relationship with other members and ever portion each other the utile resource. Eighth, they are originative in learn ing by utilizing ocular AIDSs and schoolroom show. Last, but non least, they take pupils on field trips, Teach pupils about Khmer civilization, and doing betterments in the school environment. In drumhead, most old surveies have shown the most common motive factors that encourage single in taking learning calling. Those factors included: the desire to work with kids and immature people ; the willingness to do the society developed, desiring opportunities to utilize their originative endowment ; and the belief that instruction is a well-paid occupation with respectful from other people. Furthermore, many instructors besides claimed that they like learning calling and they learning is an gratifying occupation. However, some instructor besides stated that they were influenced by their household to be a instructor, they have no other better occupations, and to avoid to be conscripted into ground forces in some political crisis society, ( Nock & A ; Bishop, 2008 ) .Chapter IIIMethodologyResearch designTo carry on this research program, qualitative attacks will be used. Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen ( 2010 ) depict the intent of qualitative research as being to contextualize finding s, interpret behaviour and purpose, or to understand positions. Qualitative research is used to analyze persons, households, and a assortment of group, organisations, industries, and more ( Ary, Jacobs & A ; Sorensen, 2010 ) . Lodico, Spaulding and Voegtle ( 2010 ) describe qualitative research workers focus on the survey of societal phenomena and on giving voice to the feeling and perceptual experiences of the participants under survey. Gay, Mills and Airasian ( 2009 ) stated that â€Å" Qualitative research is the aggregation, analysis, and reading of comprehensive narrative and ocular ( i.e, nonnumerical ) informations to derive insight into a peculiar phenomenon of involvement † ( p.7 ) . The survey will hold several strengths. The research worker has a good web or entree to the mark institute. Therefore, the research worker will be able to roll up the necessary information that might be needed in the survey. With this facilitation, the research worker will be able to randomly place teacher trainees in the field of agribusiness and technology. This will assist the research worker collect dependable informations. However, this survey will be limited by three factors. First, it will be a instance survey merely, which will be conducted in merely one moderate-sized TVET instructor developing institute in Phnom Penh. Second, the survey will aim merely 60 instructor trainees from agribusiness and technology group. Therefore, the findings will non be generalizable to other instructor trainees in concern Fieldss. Furthermore, the determination might non good plenty due to the sample size is non big. Finally, the sample choice of this survey might non guarantee wholly dependable findings. In this sense, research workers, bookmans, and pupils, carry oning researches from these findings should be careful about doing generalisations from this survey. However, these findings will decidedly offer the foundation for other research on TVET instruction establishments in Cambodia in which no research has been conducted in this field yet.Tools/instruments for informations assemblageSince the construct of factors act uponing university alumnuss ‘ determination to analyze at a TVET instructor instruction institute are complex and qualitative in nature, the research worker will utilize a study questionnaire and interviews as the chief qualitative informations aggregation methods. Furthermore, since there several different countries that trainee instructors being trained, the research worker will split the participants and interviews into two chief classs: agribusiness and technology. Both primary and secondary informations will be collected. The extended secondary informations demands to be consulted foremost. This includes assorted paperss, publications, books, and paperss from the cyberspace. After the secondary information has been collected, the primary informations research will be done through a guided questionnaire study. The questionnaire will be administered chiefly to trainee instructors in a TVET instructor developing institute. The obtained information will go a model for informations analysis and reading.Site, population, sample size and sampling methodThe survey will be conducted at a TVET instructor developing institute. The population of survey consists of TVET instructor trainees, pupils who are being trained to go instructors. In qualitative attack, the informations aggregation should include the purposeful sampling attack and informations aggregation signifier such as observations, interviews, paperss, etc. , ( Creswell, 2009 ) . Therefore, the sample will be made up of 60 respondents selected utilizing the purposive sampling technique. The sample includes 30 participants from agribusiness group, and 30 participants from technology group. The instructor trainees will be selected from the 12th Cohort at a TVET instructor preparation plan at a TVET instructor instruction which is being trained in the academic twelvemonth, 2012- 2013. Three 100s of TVET teacher trainees are recruited and trained every twelvemonth and all instructor trainees are divided into different categories based on their major accomplishments. Thirty instructor trainees will be indiscriminately selected from each category base on their countries of survey, where they come from, and the ages so as to guarantee the research is representative. Then, the selected respondents will be courteously asked to make full in the questionnaires and six of them will be selected to be interviewed.Data collection processsData will be collected from a TVET instructor ins truction institute, referred as Institute A, in Phnom Penh by agencies of two chief classs of study questionnaire and interview, aiming 30 in agribusiness big leagues and 30 in technology big leagues.Survey questionnaireThe research worker will explicate about the intent of research to all groups of instructor trainees and randomly choice 60 of them in the field of agribusiness and technology. All selected teacher trainees will be asked to finish a study signifier with some multiple picks inquiries and open-ended inquiries. The inquiries focus on the motive factors or grounds why they have chosen TVET as their calling. For illustration, what were the two chief grounds why you have chosen a calling in TVET? Who influence your determination to go a TVET instructor? There will be some more inquiries about their background. To guarantee success in the expected research program and expect possible troubles, the research worker will carry on a pilot survey prior to the existent research. The research worker will choose six teacher trainees indiscriminately to reply the inquiries in the questionnaire. After they have answered all the inquiries, the research worker will larn if the instructor trainees understand the inquiries and are able to wholly complete all the inquiries in a fit period of clip. The research worker will do any necessary alterations if he/she finds any misunderstand inquiries to suit with the existent state of affairs and besides to guarantee the expected consequence in the existent survey.Interviewing pupilsThe research worker will non-randomly choose three trainee instructors from each group, agribusiness and technology. The pupils will be asked about what factors influenced their determination to analyze at the TVET teacher instruction institute and what outlooks they are keeping from their survey after their graduation and travel to the existent instruction work. Along with the two major inquiries, there will be some more relevant inquiries about their background. The interview inquiries will be developed based on three of import phases. First, interview inquiries will be designed based on audiences with experient research workers. Second, the subjects which emerge from the study questionnaire I will administrate will supply a footing for some inquiries. Finally, semi-structured interviews will be conducted along with some extra inquiries for respondents ‘ elucidation if necessary in order to roll up more in-depth information.Ethical considerationsThe survey will be conducted in a TVET instructor instruction institute in Phnom Penh. The research worker will inquire for a missive from the MEd Program at RUPP to seek permission from the mark institute prior to informations aggregation. The intent and significance of the survey will be attached with the perm ission-seeking missive and clearly explained to the manager of the institute and all the participants. The manager will be asked to subscribe an blessing for the survey in his/her institute. Likewise, the research participants ( teacher trainees ) will be asked to subscribe an understanding to bespeak their willingness to take part in the survey. The names of the participants or IDs and the institute will be kept anon. . No information refering the study and the interviewees ‘ responses will be used other than the intent of the survey. Besides, the engagements in this survey will be genuinely voluntary. While replying the inquiries, the participants can retreat from the interview or jump any inquiries if they prefer to make so. Creswell ( 2009 ) stated that â€Å" the research proposal needs to turn to the function of the research worker: past experiences, personal connexions to the site, measure to derive entry, and sensitive ethical issues ( p.201 ) † . The connexions between the research workers and the participants, where the research worker behavior the survey at his/her ain organisation, will confront hard power issues and the consequence will be biased and uncomplete, ( Creswell, 2009 ) . Therefore, as the research worker in this survey work as a lector in the institute being studied, there will be a power inequality between the research worker and the participants. However, the research worker will inform the participants that they will experience comfy to decline the requesting to take part in the survey. After the publication of the concluding findings, a transcript of the consequences will be given to the institute.

Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Essay

As it stands currently the existing effect of the economic factors on aggregate demand and supply are: unemployment, consumer income, and interest rates. In this paper we identify the existing effect of the economic factors on aggregate demand and supply. The American people have little to no income when unemployed, this in turn causes a decrease in demand for the economy. This type of event causes the aggregate demand to curve to the left. One of the main reasons unemployment remains high to this day is the lack of demand. A shortfall in aggregate demand is precisely the type of issue that can be addressed by monetary policy, however, to do so we need continuous monetary stimulus to progress toward maximum employment stability. The crash of the housing market has set tremendous limitation on consumer and their spending. Sternness on behalf of the government to a certain extent has decreased aggregate demand during this recovery period. These actions have directly impacted growth. Wh at this means to us is that lower government spending and higher taxes call for disposable income for consumers, work for government contractors diminishing, and a decrease in government payroll. Another factor that has had great effect and impact are the levels of uncertainty. The events leading to this state have yet to be resolved which in turn have caused a lack of willingness and confidence within consumers. In the beginning the levels of uncertainty reflected the force of influence the recession had on us as consumers. This is something that had not been experienced in several years which made it difficult for us to handle or even find a way to get by in a more successful demeanor. After extensive research and analysis it is safe to say the supply-side considerations explain some of the rise in unemployment, which once again confirm the lack of demand as well as the fact that the economy is suffering first and foremost of a weak demand rather than a shortage of supply. References Williams, J. C. (2013, February 25). The Economy and Fed Policy: Follow the Demand. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Retrieved from Thoma, M. (2012, March 28). Demand, not supply, is restraining the economy. CBS News. Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2019

This essay needs to be revised by grammar Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This needs to be revised by grammar - Essay Example In his work â€Å"Animal Rights vs. Human Rights,† Edwin Locke declares that only creatures that possess the capability of thinking, reasoning and the capacity of making choices have rights. (1) He thus makes his stand very clear against the rights of animals. On the other hand, this viewpoint is strongly opposed by Tom Regan, who is a famous philosopher providing arguments for the provision of rights to the animals. In his work, â€Å"The Rights of Humans and Other Animals,† Tom Regan points out a few characteristics for having rights which mainly include rational autonomy and sentience. (17) However Regan gives up on rational autonomy shortly and opposes with Locke. The other controversy that exists between Regan and Locke is the point that whether animals have a moral community like humans or they do not form. To search for a link between characteristics and rights can be classified as not being moral and neither is it a respectful behavior towards other beings. To s tart with, rational autonomy is the capability of thinking, reasoning and making choices. By rational autonomy creatures have the capacity to decide the consequences of their actions. Locke claims that animals do not need rights owing to the fact that they do not reason and nor do they take decisions which will have an effect on their lives. Also, he argues that animals are instinctual and do not have the capacity of thinking as humans. Thus there is no strong justification according to Locke for the provision of rights to animals. On the other hand Regan argues that animals are not instinctual, they are living creatures and are capable of thinking just like humans. However, it is very clearly known that not all of the animals have rational autonomy and the same implies for humans as some of them also do not possess rational autonomy. If only creatures that can think or reason and make choices have the rights (Locke 1) then too many people and animals will be excluded from this grou p. Thus rational autonomy cannot be a criterion of having rights. Regan analyzes this problem and hence disapproves with Locke’s point of view. Locke asserts that rights are vital for humans, because the rational autonomy of human beings is the key element to lead a better life. Human beings need to think and make choices for choosing a path to live their lives. Locke claims that humans need rights for protecting their thoughts and themselves from other people. Thus he asserts that as long as animals are not rational they do not need rights for protecting themselves. In opposition to the justification of Locke, some animals which include dolphins, pigs are more intelligent than infants as well as mentally handicapped people. Regan argues that if rational autonomy is a criterion then these human beings would also be left out and they would also be excluded from the group of people who should be granted rights. Regan then expresses that sentience is an important characteristic for having rights. Having sentience is ability to feel pain and pleasure. By the implication of sentience as a measure for the provision of rights, all human beings irrespective of their mental state would have the approval of being granted rights. At the same time, the quality of sentience would make animals and humans equal as both of them possess the capability of sensing pain or pleasure and hence they would both deserve rights in an equal manner.

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 18

Economics - Essay Example Generally, in economics there are mainly four factors required for production: land, labor, capital and resources. Among all these factors, labors are the key assets of an organization, and only they are eligible to obtain the reward for the work being done by them. An earnings means the total outcome or output of a stipulated process. The concept of income is a major component in economics, which is closely related with the demand, supply, and consumer tastes and preferences. But as far the research or the analysis of the economists is taken in to consideration, there is dissimilarity between the concept of earnings and income. The term income inequality indicates that there is an irregular distribution of income among the individuals. Generally, the term income may be of in two ways, such as personal income and house hold income. If there is dissimilarity between earnings and income inequality, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for such difference, and also essential to compare such differences among two nations. Due to the difference in income and earnings potentiality, there should be a chance that it will affect the overall economic impact of the nation also. Besides, there is a close relation between the income inequality and the impact of globalization. While analyzing the point of view of economists, it is necessary to give stress for making comparisons of the variations in income and earnings of different nations, but such comparison should not be fair, if it takes place between developing and developed countries, both are different in their level of economy. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a global entity, giving stress for various economic and social concepts for improving the overall economic development of various countries. It is very clear that the monetary income is some what related to the economic and social well being of both humans as well as the society as a whole. In

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cultural diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cultural diversity - Research Paper Example Whether in an organization or in a classroom, cultural diversity, if managed correctly, can bring cohesion, harmonious and synergistic efforts that would bring the highest productivity of performance , from ‘optimum’ to maximum, in achieving set goal(s). On account of the presence of cross-national perspective in a classroom, a recent research conducted by Konan, Paul N’Dri; Chatard, Armand; Selimbegovic, Leila; Mugny, Gabriel on Cultural diversity in the classroom and its effects on academic performance: A cross-national perspective indicated that the presence of immigrants in the classroom resulted to performance benefits for both locals and immigrant students (Konan,, 2010). This is indicative that a class with diversified culture, talents, skills, interests of students must be ready with flexible learning tools and strategies that would address the different responsiveness and performance of each student without compromising the overall impact of learnin g of the whole class. REFERENCES Bhatia, (2007) Shruti. Diversity Management -The Challenges And Opportunities. Retrieved from Cultural Diversity (n.d.) In Business Dictionary.

Human Right Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Right Assignment - Essay Example The paper outlines and discusses the different ways in which the death penalty is a limitation on human rights. It also explores the differences between International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights. ICCPR is yet to prohibit the death penalty but does not entirely give access to the different countries to do so at will. It defines the human life and outline measures to follow before condemning a person to this sentence. Article six in the covenant states that all human beings have the right to life and nobody should deny this right. This penalty can only apply when a severe crime occurs, and the offender declared guilty by a very competent court of justice. Upon the conviction a person to death, the article provides that a person can still seek pardon and amnesty from the government. Lastly, in case of any other violation of ICCPR right, then it means that the imposition of the death penalty is invalid. Other limitations include the exemption of pregnant women from execution and any other person charged with an offense committed when the person was under the age of eighteen. The death penalty also infringes on other human right. Indeed, convicts face other forms of inhuman treatment before facing execution. For instance, convicts can face torture or exposure to a lot of pain before execution. Most of the countries that still execute offenders have delinked death penalty from human right so as the penalty to be seen as any other form of punishment and to avoid public criticism (Schabas, 2008). ICCPR, Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, and the Arab charter all perform the same function. They limit what the government can do to people within its jurisdiction. The different organizations came into force after 1945 as a way of responding to the violations of the human rights during and before the

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

No topic - Assignment Example When the sample size (N) is small it takes a larger number of sample (Reps > 1000) to see that the distribution is normal while when N is relatively larger it takes relatively smaller number of sample (reps In conclusion, if the parent population is normal, the sampling distribution will always be normally distributed. If the population is not normal, the distribution of the sample mean will be approximately normally distributed if the sample size is large enough. From this we learn that this statistical technique assumes normality even when we are sampling populations that are not normal distributions. Hence we can say that central limit theorem is a statistical technique that assumes normality in both normal and normal statistical distribution shapes. When the sample size is large enough, the sampling distribution of the sample mean will always tend to normal distribution. In the first sentence it will be better to say that the central limit theorem describes the characteristics of the sampling distribution of the mean of samples that are randomly sampled from a population. Instead of saying â€Å"the means sample means is approximately normal† we rather say that the distribution of the mean of the sample is normal. And lastly there is a spelling mistake in the first paragraph last sentence. Instead of â€Å"†¦the sampling distribution if the mean approves a normal distribution†¦Ã¢â‚¬  it read â€Å"†¦the sampling distribution of the mean approves a normal distribution†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Here, the classmate has done extremely well to point out that as the sample

International Production And Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Production And Governance - Essay Example As a result, a steady increase got registered in the output of world trade. The above situation presents a similar case to one of the pillar causes of the Financial Crisis of 2008: mortgage lending in the United States of America. According to Murphy (2010), the availability of credit with low rates of interest encouraged people to seek loans. The upward trend in prices of houses further prompted them to invest in houses and homes. This trend, coupled with standards of lending that seemed relaxed encouraged the exploits. As such, when the financial crisis hit, a lot of lending institutions suffered. The genesis of the crisis, as thus, lay in the marketing policies of the mortgage market. The freestyle and casual manner in which the mortgage financing options and paperwork got done exposed the financial markets to high levels of risk. The lowered standards of accessing and the use of the word of mouth in confirming ability to repay the mortgage led to many people buying houses they could not afford (Murphy 2010). As thus, when the financial crunch descended the financiers suffered. This affected the ways in which international governance and production got looked at, in matters financial. The handling of financial affairs got a wake-up call. All the procedures and paperwork got a thorough look up before issuance of not only mortgages and loans, but also other financial transactions. Tangible, and in some cases physical property, got attached as evidence of the ability to repay loans, Murphy (2010). According to Nayyar (2006), the last half of the past century underwent unprecedented expansion and growth in flows, in international trade. World exports experienced astronomical increases, from $61billion in the 1950s to $883billion (1975) and $6338 billion at the turn of the century. Through this epoch, more growth got observed in world trade than in output. This explains the trend that results when the conditions that favor economic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Principles Adopted by 1st Division Football Clubs Dissertation

Marketing Principles Adopted by 1st Division Football Clubs - Dissertation Example Over past few years, sports marketing have drawn the interest of a number of researchers. Though this topic has been widely explored in the last three decades, yet the most surprising part remains that sports marketing does not have a clear definition. The term, sports marketing, was coined in Advertising Age of 1979 (Mullin, Hardy and Sutton 11). In the initial times, it had been used to define activities of consumers, industrial products and service marketers who had emphasized on using sports as promotional vehicle. Various researchers and authors have different views regarding the notion of sports marketing. According to the view of Kaser and Oelkers, sports marketing use sports as a vehicle to market products. This implies that popularity of sport is utilized in order to market or promote products (Kaser and Oelkers 12). Then again, according to the views of Shilbury, Quick and Westerbeek, sports marketing are defined as a social and a managerial process that is used by sports m anagers to realize goals of the sports organization. In order to achieve this, they create and exchange products and value with others (Shilbury, Quick and Westerbeek 17). The unique features of sports marketing had been observed by researchers and they had realized that because of these peculiarities, sports marketing deserved additional attention from conventional marketing (Walters and Chadwick 52). The peculiarity of sports marketing lies in unique nature of the sports industry, sports products and consumers.

Critical analysis of Qualitative paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical analysis of Qualitative paper - Essay Example Topics and introductions of the articles In Both articles, titles are good title particularly because they are both informatory and refer to the key phenomenon of the study. However, Dietrich et al’s title is goes further to expounds on the key variables.Though they have failed to include the study population,both researches the problems of the research are stated unequivocally and build coherent and credible arguments which have significance for nursing profession.Both Olrich et al (2012) and Deitrick et al (2012) studies have also failed to stipulate the research questions or a hypothesis of the studies and this is also considered as a flaw in the studies. Methods and designs of the studies There is debate regarding whether the standards used for quantitative studies should be used for qualitative research has existed for a long time and will probably continue with the trend (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). The research approach used in the qualitative was the ethnography approac h, which means that there was a conscious effort by the researchers in examining and exploring a cultural phenomenon (Bernardo, 2007). The ethnographic approach was used to outline the major challenges faced by nurses in two inpatient units in the implementation of hourly rounding. On the part of thequantitative evidences that were selected, they made use of the quasi-experimental approaches. In fact much of the quasi-experimental method has had elements of a real experimentation just that there is lack of the use of random assignment (Bravo, Earls and Johnson, 2011). To this end, a 506-bed teaching hospital was acquired where the effect of hourly round was determined on fall rates, call light usage and the general satisfaction of patients on the service they received from nurses. A big debate has existed about what should be incorporated as quality criteria in quantitative designs. For example, Ryan et al, (2001) stipulated that the degree to which the methods are satisfactory to p articipants ought to be also applied as a decisive factor for assessing the methodological eminence of quantitative studies This design’s flaw was that it did not take into account the patients’ attitudes feelings and perceptions which are very important in nursing but rather just went for the figures.However the execution of design was top notch thenumber of data collection points was appropriate.The design also curtailed biases and threats to the interior and exteriorsoundness of the study. As far as validity is concerned, there are two major aspects of measurement that the researchers could be looking at to ensure validity. These are internal and external validity. Generally internal validity on measurement tools can be achieved if researchers shall pay particular attention to selection bias and ensure that the tool is impartial in its selection. Again, history, differential attrition and regression towards the mean are all significant such that researchers must ens ure that they conform to stipulated standards of scoring. With external validity, attention must be paid to the population to ensure that there is a generalization between the study’s inferences and the general population used (Castledine, Grainger,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case study in Biomedical Engineering Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Biomedical Engineering Ethics - Case Study Example In the case study there is clear evidence that in that development of the TEHVs Pedia Valve as a start-up company is responding to biomedical engineering obligations. They are employing their research knowledge, skills and capabilities towards enhancement of public welfare in terms of health and safety. Considering the limitations of the current equipment in use such as bioprosthetic valves and Cadaver homograft valves such need for repeated future surgeries as well as inherent risks, the company is striving to increase safety for the patients. There are also the obligations in terms of biomedical engineering and training. They are required to comply with available guidelines in terms legal, governmental, research and ethical responsibilities. There is need to respect rights of subjects, colleagues the science community and entire public. In making the choice between the two options the company has also considered the question of training especially for the doctors and other medical personnel. To this end I think the company has complied significantly and obtained the necessary FDA approvals. There are various ethical and professional considerations applicable to the case study of Pedia Valves which the company has not ignored. A major ethical issue in the case study as has always been when it comes to using modern technology to give life to patients is the question of faith. While Pedia Valve and other likeminded companies undertake research and testing in order to innovatively enhance life, there always voices from the religious community especially who think it is the work of God to give life. There are also the ethical issues of using animals and humans as subjects for researching and testing the technology. The argument from opponents has always been that the rights of subjects are violated. In making of the decision of whether to enter the market with the first or second option, there are important issues of

Forced Marriages and UK Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Forced Marriages and UK Law - Essay Example This essay stresses that forced marriages involve the use of threats to get people to enter marriages against the will. Existing UK laws on marriage render such marriages null but voidable. There is no existing criminal liability for partaking in the imposition of forced marriages. Legal reforms have created a civil provision to combat forced marriages. However, this leaves much to be desired. This is because there is a general problem of fear and sympathy for perpetrators by victims because of the familial links that exist between them. In order to prevent forced marriage, it is recommended that there should be a separate criminal law that would complement the criminal statute. Debate should however continue on this subject. This is necessary because there is the need for new issues and situations in the UK society to be integrated into the legal statute to protect the vulnerable appropriately at every point in time. This paper examines forced marriages in the context of UK law. The aim of the paper is to evaluate how sufficient the laws on forced marriages in the UK are. This paper makes a conclusion that the UK House of Commons identified that domestic violence and forced marriages are the main challenges to family law in the UK in recent times. The UK recognises forced marriage as a form of domestic violence and child abuse. The UK social and legal system makes a sharp distinction between forced marriages and arranged marriages . This distinction is necessary because arranged marriages have a bit of a different legal position in the UK society. This is mainly steeped in the concept of choice. Whereas the parties in an arranged marriage might choose to live within the marriage without any duress, a forced marriage is one where one party is forced or coerced into the whole union. 'Duress' defines the main basis for the definition of a forced marriage. As such, a marriage in which duress is not used to coerce one or both parties into the marriage is valid socially, morally and legally in English law. 2.2 Forms of Forced Marriages There are three main types of forced marriages6: 1. An individual who fears that s/he may be forced to marry in the UK

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Letter Of A Prisoner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Letter Of A Prisoner - Essay Example Inside the prison, we have a small clinic, something similar to the family doctor. One day I had a bad stomach ache and they took me to that clinic. The doctor examined me and assured me that I was going to be all right and that there was no major problem to worry about. The pain stayed with me for two days, after that, they took me to the hospital with two guards because the doctor in the prison’s clinic did not know what I actually have. In the hospital, they said that it was the appendix, so I had the appendix operation done for me, and then I went back to the prison. In fact, the guards who were accompanying me were treating were very nice people. They treated me so nicely and for once I felt a touch of the love that I so long to have close to me; your motherly love. I noticed that they were better than when we are in prison. I suppose this was out of compassion. Normally they are not nice people, especially when dealing with us. Prison-officers are tough and stern in the jail. They often insult us, and however much we try to be good and obedient, they can never command us for our behavior. All they do is an insult and mock us; that is the life that I have to live here in prison. We are not treated with less dignity and handled like animals or some creatures that are less human. It is correct that we are here owing to the fact that we are convicted as criminals, even though, it is enough for us to be punished with the confinement. However, not all the warders are that bad.... In hospital they said that it was the appendix, so I had the appendix operation done for me, and then I went back to the prison. In fact, the guards who were accompanying me were treating were very nice people. They treated me so nicely and for once I felt a touch of the love that I so long to have close to me; your motherly love. I noticed that they were better than when we are in prison. I suppose this was out of compassion. Normally they are not nice people, especially when dealing with us. Prison-officers are tough and stern in the jail. They often insult us, and however much we try to be good and obedient, they can never commend us for our behavior. All they do is insult and mock us; that is the life that I have to live here in prison. We are not treated with less dignity, and handled like animals, or some creatures that are less human. It is correct that we are here owing to the fact that we are convicted as criminals, even though, it is enough for us to be punished with the co nfinement. However, not all the warders are that bad. I usually meet a few good ones when I go to the library to study. Let me tell you something about the prison routine. Our day starts at 7:15 every morning lights,and lights are usually on by then. We are allowed to take breakfast from 7:45 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. Breakfast is the same every day; two boiled eggs and some cheese, this comes with bread and a glass of orange juice. Lunchtime is from 1:00 until 3:00 in the afternoon. It is usually rice and chicken, and salad on the side. Nonetheless, I have heard from the other inmates that during some special occasions we could have either meat or fish instead of the chicken.

Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality Essay

Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality of the law be reconciled with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) - Essay Example efoucauld V Boustead [1897], where the defendant had property sold and the proceeds transferred to him, without the fair consideration that the plaintiff had equal interest in the property, which the defendant had transferred unfairly (Bar, Drobnig & Alpa, 2004 p511). The judge of the trial court had held that the estates had been transferred to the defendant, not as a trustee, but as a beneficial owner of the estates. However, the trial judge held that the existence of a trust relationship could be established. It is this generality that the ethos of equity seeks to address, and it is therefore possible to reconcile the provisions of the ethos of equity with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA), since section 53 (1) (c) requires that a disposition of an equitable or trust that exists at the time of the disposition, be in writing and signed by the party disposing the property (McFarlane, Hopkins & Nield, 2012 p373). This provision safeguards against the unfair transfer without having involved the consent of the interested parties, which is also the objective of the ethos of equity. Therefore, the ethos of equity and formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) can be

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ancient Egyptians Essay Example for Free

Ancient Egyptians Essay Bill Wilke Egyptians are highly known for their glorious pyramids, powerful pharaohs, and endless amounts of gold and Jewels. When we think of Egyptians we also think of tombs, curses, and cats being a source of protection. However, it is not known to many that they have not only defined the art, but also the meaning behind tattooing. Tattoos are the one thing still captured on the bodies of mummies, in which were discovered from over a millennium ago. Females in particular, had specific tattoos which were used as a therapeutic role during pregnancy and birth. Each tattoo had specific color and significance behind the symbols. Handmade tools were also used in the craft of tattooing during the Egyptian era. Now they have evolved to more dynamic equipment and use of substance. From care to the final product there is a lot of work that goes into preserving tattoos. Written records, physical remains, and works of art have changed our understanding of Egyptian culture. There is good reason to believe that Egyptians were beyond their intellectual ability. Their process of preparing a human as a mummy required countless steps and organization. Ancient writers and modern scientists have both attributed to the knowledge of how this Ancient tradition came about. The remains of Egyptians have been kept preserved because of their tedious attempt in the process of mummification. Mummies, for example, had the protection from chemical exposure, extreme cold conditions, very low humidity, and lack of air when submerged in tombs. The discovery of mummies from Ancient Egypt has also shown us the presence of tattooing. Research and discoveries have pointed out that the art of tattooing was known to Egyptians, and was one of the common practices that were adopted by them. The tattoos found on their remaining bodies were known to be in many sizes, shapes, and colors. One of the earliest evidence of tattoos was identified on mummies dating all the way back from 2000 B. C. The majority of mummies discovered were identified as female, in which were covered with dot like patterns throughout their bodies. Evidence points to the fact that tattoos were an exclusively used practice among females. One of the most famous mummies ever written about was Amunet, who was known as a deity or rather a highly known Goddess (Taylor, 1998). Other than being a traditional royal subject, tattoos had significance for female Egyptians. Lineberry (2007), The tattooing of Ancient Egyptian women had a therapeutic role, and functioned as a permanent form of amulet during the very difficult time of pregnancy and birth (Tattoos, para 5). Pregnancy and birth can be a life changing experience, and for Egyptian women it was also a particular time that they felt the need for protecting themselves. The areas in which were most commonly noted with tattoos during this difficult time were on the thighs, breasts, were placed over wrapped mummies to protect them. She also points out that, it signified keeping everything in (Tattoos, para 5). This pattern is also known as a cicatrix pattern, in which was typically located over the lower pubic region. Tattoos on the abdomen of women, for example, safeguarded them during their pregnancy. As any conscious mother would do for her child, she protects her unborn willingly from harms way. Ancient Egyptian tattoos had many other meanings behind their symbols. Traditionally, Egyptians would use specific drawings as a tribute of sacrifice to a deity. This would mean that an individual would be professing his or her entire belief for someone higher or greater than themselves. Tattoos were presumed to be part of a permanent amulet that could not be lost. An amulet is defined as a trinket, or piece of Jewelry that was thought to have magical protection against evil or disease. In other instances disease would have been another reason that Egyptian females would have acquired a tattoo as well, simply to protect their health while carrying a child. Their significance in symbols also ranged from medical protection to fertility for women. Many tattoos that were used by Egyptians derived from their writing system, which consisted of pictures and symbols. The Scarab, also known as a eetle, was considered a symbol for renewing life. Madhura (2010), It was also considered as one of the many royal titles used by the Pharaohs and was also found to be used by Tutankhamen, one of the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs (Egyptian Tattoo Designs, para 4). He also explains a symbol used called the eye. Madhura (2010), The Ankh or the eye is a widely identified and used symbol of Egyptian culture. In the ancient times, it represented life and was hence one of the respected symbols. Among the different designs of the Ankh, the eye of the Horus is more popular as it stands for the good luck. The eye of Horus, also known as the eye of the Ra, is believed to be the all-seeing eye that was also used in amulets worn by the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian cross or the Ankh also stands for rebirth or reincarnation. The Egyptian eye tattoo represents light, power and royalty and hence, is a favorite tattoo symbol (Egyptian Tattoo Designs, para 3). Other noted symbols in which were commonly used were the Serket. The Serket is identified as a female fgure with a scorpion on her head. Also used were Kings and Queens, such as Cleopatra, and the Egyptian eye which represents light. Through Egyptian eyes, attoos satisfied various needs and interest as they do today. Their style is captivating and vivid, leading many to believe that this form of art was easily adaptive. The instruments and tools in which were used for tattooing were dated all the way back to 3000 B. C. An Archaeologist by the name of W. M. F Petrie, discovered a tool with a wooden handle and sharp edge at the site of what was called Abydos. He had noted that the tools resembled wide, flattened needles that could potentially make the pattern of multiple dots. Typically these tools would have been used for areas of the ody that females were tattooed for their pregnancy and childbirth protection. The consistency and color was that of dark or black pigment such as soot. It has been said that the Inuit tribe used darker pigmentation or bright colors such as yellow for their tattooing. Inuits are also known for their face tattoos. The tools that are used today have evolved into more intricate ways of use. For example, several needles are used rather than a flat wide needle as the Egyptians had. The more needles you have, the detailed work. Wide range of coloring brings symbols to life as it tells a story. The etails make it look real in a 3D type of way. Instead of soot, ink is the one form of substance that provides color. There are several different types of ink. One type of ink, for example, is black light ink. When the tattoo is under a black light lamp, it will glow. Colors range from the basic primary and secondary colors to different shades. Another option today is the ability to numb the area in which is being tattooed. Egyptians had no means of covering the painful process in which tattoos involved. The care that we provide today goes into the preservation of the tattoo, making it able o last longer. In order for the tattoo to heal correctly you cannot scrub the area, expose it to sun, and it must be able to breathe. Care consists of wiping the skin with antibacterial soap, and then applying petroleum Jelly. Petroleum Jelly is more of a pure substance with no additives and it is easier to work with. It is used widely because it does not cause allergic reactions or pull the ink out. Other forms of Jelly include clear AD Ointment and Bag Balm. No matter what gender a human is, tattoos are more popular today than they were a millennium ago. They represent a erson as an individual, rather than a means for protection. Technology today has given us the ability to express the art of tattooing on a whole new level. Egyptians introduced this ability, in order for individuals to use tattoos to define their stories or personal experiences. Tattoos were once known as frightening and repulsive, and have come a long way since then. Symbols in Egyptian times have been considered generic compared to todays variety. More attention goes into the care of tattoos in todays society during and afterwards. Care is what aids in the conservation of a eautiful piece of art, whether it is a symbol, picture, or words. From medical protection to therapeutic means, tattoos were widely used among Egyptians. With the help of discoveries, female mummies have revealed the remains of tattooing on bodies. We can now understand where tattoos originated from, and how meaningful they were so long ago.

Explaining benefits of HRM practices within Unilever Essay Example for Free

Explaining benefits of HRM practices within Unilever Essay 1. Benefits for Employer: For an employer, it is beneficial for its company growth that its workers perform well. An employer will always try to find the suitable candidates for suitable positions. It is always important for a company to get its job done efficiently and with less time which HRM practices help (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). HRM helps in the management of performance through proper business planning which is the first stage. It is designed for performance standardization along with budget outputs. HRM practices monitor the Performance of employees to ensure accuracy, communication, and discipline among workers. Overall it adds to the global company image and perception towards other competitive companies. 2. Benefits for Employee: HRM is involved not only in securing and enhancing the efficiency of each worker but also in providing definite plans for efficient communication between different workers in order to make organizational development (Obeidat and Abdallah, 2014). The importance of introducing individuals to the ethics of the company is emphasized by value-based interviewing. The employees are given progressive activities from coaching, training, projects, mentoring, and assignments. All these activities help an individual to enhance its efficiency. For the employee, it is beneficial because it nurtures the qualities within. M3 Different methods used in HRM Practices within Unilever 1. Strategic Planning: The first stage is Strategic planning is detailed planning of the business. The business planning steps are designed in such a way so as to extract standardized performance is generally conducted through a 6month mid-year period, the planning process of strategic business is crucial to the assessment of present capability and performance of a business. 2. Training and development: HRM practices regarding training and development specializes coordination in forming a strong relationship between the employer and employee. The area for training and development of HR also focusing on training that emphasizes the companys fair trade practices and employee growth to prepare promising leaders for management and supervisory roles. 3. Employee satisfaction: A positive relation between the employee and HR help the company to achieve its objectives, morale and improves performance. This mainly comprises of achieving satisfaction, levels along the workforce (Zibarras and Coan, 2015). It helps to create ways to give strength to the employer-employee relations. Opinion surveys of employees are administered, a focus group is conducted related to job satisfaction and the steps the employer can maintain proper working relationships. 4. Recruitment: Employment process is being managed by the HRM department from examining resumes to scheduling interviews to new employees processing. They determine the most efficient for recruiting candidates. 5. Selection: professional HRs work with managers so as to effect good recruitment decisions, according to what the organizations need. They work together regarding standard hiring methods to ensure that the companies extend offers to suitable persons. 6. Compliance: HR workers need to make sure that the organization complies with legal regulations. They complete the necessary paperwork for documenting that the employees eligible to work in the country. They also comply with the organizational laws receive state or federal government contracts by ensuring flow logs of the applicant. References Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., (2017).  Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey. Abingdon: Taylor Francis. Obeidat, B.Y. and Abdallah, A.B., (2014). The relationships among human resource management practices, organizational commitment, and knowledge management processes: A structural equation modeling approach.  International Journal of Business and Management,  9(3), p.9. Zibarras, L.D., and Coan, P., (2015). HRM practices used to promote pro-environmental behavior: a UK survey.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management,  26(16), pp.2121-2142.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Study of recruitment process outsourcing

Study of recruitment process outsourcing Is the process where an employer outsources or transfers all or part of its recruitment activities to expert services of a third party (generally professional consultants). The Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association defines RPO as follows: when a provider acts as a companys internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs. RPO providers manage the entire recruitment/hiring process from job profiling through the  on-boarding  of the new hire, including staff, technology, method and reporting. RPO and other types of occasional recruitment support, contingency and executive search services differ majorly in the  Process. The service provider assumes ownership of the process in RPO, while in other types of staffing services the service provider is only a part of the process controlled by the organization buying their services. History of RPO Temporary, contingency and executive search firms have provided staffing services for many decades, but the concept of an employer outsourcing the management and ownership of part or whole of the recruitment process was first realized during the 1970s in the highly competitive high tech labour market of Silicon Valley. Being hard-pressed to find and hire technical specialists these companies had to pay large fees to specialized external recruiters for staffing their projects. In order to reduce the growing expenses of recruitment fees these companies began examining the various stages in the recruitment process that could be outsourced. The initial RPO programs typically consisted of purchasing lists of potential candidates from RPO vendors. Over the years, the concept of outsourcing was accepted by businesses more and more. RPO too gained favour among Human Resource management. RPO reduced overhead costs from their budgets and also helped improve the companys competitive advantage in the labour market. With labour markets becoming more and more competitive, RPO became more of an acceptable option. In the early 2000s more companies began considering the outsourcing of recruitment for major portions of their recruiting need. The fundamental changes in the World labour market have reinforced the use of RPO. The labour market today is highly dynamic: workers are changing employers more often than in the previous generations. De-regulation of labour markets has created a shift towards contract and part-time labour and shorter work tenures. These trends have increased the recruitment activity and encouraged the use of RPO. Even in slower economic times or higher unemployment, RPO is considered by companies to assist in an increasing need to screen through a larger pool of candidates Benefits Recruitment  is seen as a cost incurring process in an organization.  RPO  has helped the HR professionals of an organisation to concentrate on the strategic functions and processes of human resource management instead of wasting their efforts, time and money on the routine work. Outsourcing of the  recruitment process helps cut the recruitment costs to around 20 % and provides economies of scale to a large sized organization. Outsourcing  has become beneficial for both the corporate organisations that use outsourcing services as well as the consultancies that provide the service. Apart from increasing their revenues,  outsourcing Process  also provides business opportunities to the service providers, enhances the skill set of the service providers and exposure to different corporate experiences thereby increasing their expertise. Time/Speed: Hiring of a recruitment company to do the recruitment process for a new project saves precious time. The recruitment agency already has the database of prospects classified according to their skills, knowledge and experience. Once the requirements are provided by the organisation and the service provider provides the organisation with a list of candidates that would be ready to be interviewed. Money/Costs: In traditional recruitment process the HR professionals have to stop their current work and concentrate on the recruitment process. This is a problem for the small and middle sized companies, the big corporations have their own recruitment departments. By outsourcing the whole of the recruitment process these companies save costs incurred in the recruitment process. The HR professionals can focus on their current work without worrying about recruitment process. These days even the big companies are outsourcing their recruitment processes to reduce costs. Quality: It is considered that the recruitment needs of a company are better realised by the owner or someone working for it. But while recruiting new personnel for a specific job or project this can be very challenging. Specialised recruitment agencies have an extensive database of resumes and the networking to source the right type of candidate. Risks Though RPO has benefits, it has its own sets of limitations/risks. RPO will be successful in the context of a well-defined corporate and staffing strategy. A company must manage its RPO activities, providing initial direction and continued monitoring to get the desired results. Loose Definition of RPO: As RPO is a commercial concept rather than a specific definition, there is little regulation to RPO providers. As such, a recruitment agency can brand their services as RPO without actually structuring them in a way that will provide the most benefit to their clients. Cost: Though RPO engagement is considered as cost saving method, the  cost  of engaging an RPO provider can be more than the cost of the internal recruitment department, as an RPO provider is likely to have higher  business overheads. Effectiveness: If an RPO provider does not understand or seek to understand the recruitment solution that they will be providing, it will lead to an improperly implemented RPO. This would reduce the effectiveness of recruitment. Failure to Deliver: When finding candidates in industry sectors where there are staff shortages, RPO service providers may fail to provide the quality or volume of staff required by their clients. Pre-Existing Issues: If the companys existing recruitment processes are not effective or if the service provider lacks appropriate recruitment processes/procedures to work with the client the RPO solution may not work. In such a situation, it is better for the company to undergo a recruitment  optimisation programme. Engagement: Many RPO organisations perform their staffing functions and service  offsite  or  offshore. This disconnects the provider from the client companys growth and recruiting strategy. Though this effect can be mitigated by strong relationship management, some of the momentum and energy associated with the rapid up scaling of a workforce through recruitment may dissipate. Social Media/Networking in Recruitment Social media recruitment is the next big thing on the cards. A lot of companies have started using Web 2.0 application for recruitment purposes. Web 2.0 is the second generation Internet-based services which is different from the first generation static Web sites with little interaction. Popular Web 2.0 applications include the social media/networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn, MySpace), blogs, podcasts (Podcast Alley, iTunes), video sharing sites (YouTube, FlickR), mobile apps, etc. Today LinkedIn and Facebook has become a powerful tool in recruitment. LinkedIn is a social networking website meant specifically for networking amongst working professionals. Social media recruitment widens reach and helps segmentation, targeting and positioning of potential jobseekers. They also increase the accuracy of profile searches.  Instead of simply recruiting the person with the best-looking CV, social media can ensure that that person is also the best fit for the company. Companies like Accenture, Cognizant, Mindtree, HP-Mphasis and Wipro are planning to hire workers from social networking sites such as LinkedIn. Linkedln is becoming a hot spot  for Companies looking out to hire workers. Recruitment done through the social networking site Linkedln comes with references and are cost effective as they are free. Companies go through the relevant profiles, and can take a look at the recommendations provided by acquaintances of potential candidates before hiring workers. Mphasis used Facebook along with LinkedIn to recruit new workers by creating a page on Facebook. Benefits Recruitment through Social media/networking websites has its own benefits which are not available in other methods of recruitment. Higher accuracy: As social media/networking websites have no physical boundaries job candidates can be searched geographically and found with higher accuracy than before, narrowing the number of candidates and adding to recruiting effectiveness. Fast: As more and more people today use these websites, the available jobs can get filled quicker, lowering vacancy rates because of social medias high usage rate and immediate response time. This helps in a companys ability to attract talent versus competitors. Cost: Social media recruitment has a low cost with high ROI. In most of the cases it is almost free as most websites are free to register and use. Attracting fresh talent: A large number of social media users are college students, and they are fresh talent for entry level positions. Using social media an organization can easily attract this talent pool. Brand visibility: Using social media/networking for recruitment Increases the employers brand visibility online and establishes a leading-edge image for the brand. Risks Social media/networking offers benefits vis-a-vis other methods of recruitment, but it also has its own share of risks. Effectiveness yet to be proven: While social networks are undoubtedly here to stay, whether they become a more central part to the hiring process or not is yet to proved. The amount of recruitment done through this mode is still very low as it is in initial stages. Demographics of representation: Social media as the labour pool does not fully represent the demographics of the general public. There could be more race and age claims over the coming years due to sourcing through social networking sites. Discrimination: There could be discrimination in recruitment due to a persons country of origin, religious preference, disability, age or sexual orientation etc. Lack of clear recruitment standards and process: Recruitment through social media does not involve clear standards of recruitment. Hence any rejections based on softer criteria can lead to discrimination lawsuits being filed by the rejected candidates.

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Corporate Social Responsibility is the means by which a company justifies their existence in order to gain success by showing an interest in taking care of the people and the communities that surround them. Corporate Social Responsibility has the purpose of giving to the society as a whole, an impact that is positive which ensures that it is sustainable for quite some time. The hospitality industry should tightly uphold Corporate Social Responsibility which is also referred to as social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that the society is up to date with events that take place in the society. The society consists of the shareholders to the companies and hence if the society benefits they benefit too. Corporate Social Responsibility helps the companies to create a good image to the public and hence market themselves. Recently so many students are taking hospitality courses, and research carried out has shown that they have come to know about the industry through Corporate Social Responsibility. Most of the students are studying about management of hospitalism. The hospitalism industry requires understanding with a high level of skills in order to deal with the management strategies that are required. The hospitality industry also attracts many people because of the hefty pay that employees get. This industry has many business people running different firms in it. Majority of the people who are in this firms do not look at the industry as being sustainable, and hence they make their short term profits and leave the damage to the society, this has greatly spoilt the image of the industry to the society. These firms should be responsible about the environment if they want the industry to sustain itself through conservation of resources. This way they should be in a position to take care of the pollution that they cause and the waste released to the environment that is toxic. Companies that have upheld corporate social responsibility are doing very well in the market because the society wants to support the companies so that they can continue to do good for the society. Corporate Social Responsibility is about conducting business according to the code of ethics that are laid down for the industry. The society has expectations from the hospitality industry, and it is only fair that they should be met. Corporate Social Responsibility makes the firms in the hospitality industry to strictly obey the laid out rules so that they do not cause damage to the society. However the laws and policies set by the government need to be good to effect Corporate Social Responsibility. So many brands are widely known because of the place where they are produced, which can be in another country or continent for example people believe that items manufactured in the United Kingdom are of a better quality than those produced in African countries. The sales strategy that some companies use to advertise their products has enabled them to be known in the whole globe. Thus Corporate Social Responsibility is the way to recognition for many companies if they want to be known globally. These firms in the hospitality industry are assessed on their financial strengths using the financial statements. The financial position of a company determines how much the brand is going to be recognized. Hospitality companies with high capital tend to attract so many shareholders because the shareholders have trust in the survival of the company and hence they love to be associated with such a company. Above all things the environment is the focus of every company especially those in the hospitality industry. A conducive environment is important for the hospitality industry because it ensures a good regulation for the weather. With so many hospitality companies neglecting the negative effect that   they are subjecting the environment to ,they are hence   encouraged to look for other companies in the hospitality industries that they can group up with so that they can be able to address the negative impact on the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility helps in the overriding of firms in the hospitality industry. The name that a company carries to the public has always proven to be an asset that is valuable. The other thing that has proven important is the value of the brand. With these two aspects Corporate Social Responsibility comes in place to assist in creating a good name for the company or the firm it makes the customers to have trust in the company and also construct loyalty among the employees and even the shareholders. Majority of hospitality companies express corporate social responsibility by making a contribution to causes that are good in the society. The hospitality industry should be in a position to put into consideration equality in respect to gender in order to avoid discrimination at work. The employees in this industry need to be very well trained to ensure that they are in a position to serve clients well. Corporate Social Responsibility helps to take care of some employees who are often vulnerable to discrimination such as the immigrants and people who are physically incapacitated. The hospitality industry needs people who love to work in the industry, this is because it helps them in their hiring of employees for the reason that as much as the salary is good employees want to work for companies that have the interests of the community by being able to help decrease the levels of poverty that are being experienced by some countries. Corporate social responsibility helps to motivate stuff and make them want to continue working in the industry. Many hospitality companies who have engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility events ensure that they include the activities in the company reports that are prepared annually. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) wants to create standards that will apply to hospitality and other companies that will ensure their involvement in the corporate social responsibilities. These standards once created will help in the conversation of the environment. The hospitality industry deals a lot with the lifestyles that people live. It is however supported by tourists and hence it is important to create a good name for itself in order attract more customers. The hospitality industry is encouraged to offer services that the customers demand from them. Corporate social responsibility prevents the hospitality industry from embezzling funds. Millennium hotel group UK contribution to CSR Since the world travel and tourism council released reports on   the contribution that the   hospitality industry   to the economy in form of the high revenues that they fetch for the country, the participation in corporate social responsibilities is almost inevitable. The millennium groups of hotels have learnt to merge focus of the business with ethics that are highly integrated to responsibilities. They have also come to the realization that, when the societies are involved in the hotels operations, they help them to gain leadership behaviors that guide them in managing their small businesses and most of all they have helped the society acquire styles of leadership that are sustainable. The millennium hotels in the events of promoting the corporate social responsibilities have been able to interact with communities from different backgrounds. They have interacted well and made some of the best relationships that are cross sectored and across the various cultures at the same time. The creation of such relationships helps in sharing ideas that are good for business. This ideas help the organizations know what is expected on the inside of the hotel management and even on the outside. Also about leadership, they learn how to transform the various styles of leadership that they use to suite them. Some of the benefits that the millennium hotels have got are that they are able to know some of the factors that are ultimate for dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility. The millennium hotels have also been able to carry campaigns which are encouraging the other business that in the hospitality industry to get involved in helping the society move forward. The millennium hotels have been able to learn the gains that accrue to them because they have created a brand name for themselves globally and have also been assisted in carrying out their ways of marketing the products that they offer. They have been in the front line as far as the protection of the environment is concerned because they have very developed systems of disposing off the wastes from their premises. They have helped to shape the society regarding ethics that people should uphold. They have taught the society that offering help at the right time is important and one should help where he or she can. There are some industries that offer help when it is too late and this makes development very expensive. The millennium hotels are among the top in the list among Corporates that have been involved greatly in the corporate social responsibilities. The millennium hotels have been offering corporate social responsibilities for a long time now and hence they have a lot of knowledge as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. They are therefore good in dealing with challenges that come as far as corporate social responsibility is concerned. The millennium hotels have created partnership with some agricultural corporations to help in the production of foods that are quality and that fetch the country a lot of revenue. Also so that the hotels can have a diversification in foods that they offer which are not commonly found in other hotels. The agricultural industry faces a lot of challenges as far as climate is concerned and hence in order to ensure there is food security in the United Kingdom. The millennium hotels help them by offering trainings for them that help them to use the best agricultural practices to enable them use irrigation and help in the storage of water in the soil. The millennium hotels encourage conservation of resources by offering funds to create awareness to the public not to waste resources that are available such as water and gas because that helps to save a lot of money. Besides partnering in agricultural industry they have also participated in the summits which are about conservation of energy. Some businesses in the private and public sector are said to be consuming a lot of energy in the processing of their products and hence they are being encouraged to come up with ways that help in the conservation of the same. The millennium hotels have done a commendable job in Corporate Social Responsibility and were recently given an award in the global corporate social responsibility summit and awards for helping and participating in helping the society grow. They have helped the society to solve some of the problems that they can handle. This is very good for their image because people get to learn about them and recommend the hotels to friends or tourists visiting United Kingdom from other countries. They have also paid a lot of concern on the climate change issue which is caused by global warming. The millennium hotels are willing to support campaigns on climate by getting the government to make new policies that are on companies that cause degradation of the environment. The millennium hotels are also on the fore front in addressing issues concerning human rights violations especially of the employees who work in the hospitality industry. There have been cases of violations for rights concerning employees joining the trade unions. Some of the big hotels in the United Kingdom did not want the employees to join the trade unions so that some of the issues that need to be addressed can be looked at. Stakeholders involvement to CSR of hospitality industry. The stakeholders of the hospitality industry has played a big part in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility by   ensuring that the manner in which it is conducted, is fair to all persons in the society. The stakeholders have helped to reduce the rates of pollution on the environment. They have also helped in providing solutions to the problems that were facing the environment. They have helped the companies to translate the theories which are related to corporate social responsibility to practice. They have helped in the application of good leadership in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have also helped the hospitality industry to use innovation which in order to keep with the changing times as the technology continues to advance. The advancement in technology helps it to be sustainable. The stakeholders help in the preservation of cultures and some of the tradition which act as tourism attraction. The stakeholders have also helped in the conservation of water catchment areas and valleys that are important for tourism. The hospitality industry contributes to the economic growth of the country in a very big way. The stakeholders have helped countries to see that they follow and meet their mission. The stakeholders help to connect the industry internationally and hence making the businesses grow. The stakeholders in the hospitality industry ensure that the employees undergo intensive training because the hospitalism industry is more about public relations. The stakeholders are very concerned about the working conditions that the workers work in and also about the level of dedication that the workers have towards their work. The stakeholders are also concerned about the kind of equipments that the workers use in order to deliver quality services. The stakeholders help in reaching at a decision that is suitable for the industry or about giving suggestion that would help in providing quality services. All this is aimed at improving the corporate social responsibility towards the employees in the hospitality industry. The stakeholders have not at any point stopped to support the hospitality industry and that is why majority of companies and business are taking responsibilities of the environment and also of the society. Research carried out, about   the hospitality industry regarding corporate social responsibility   show that it can integrate well with tourism. Some of the areas that are conserved for use by the hospitality industry to attract tourists are done by the permission from the stakeholders with an agreement of making them to be part of the projects that they carry out. The hospitality industry is also integrated with the media industry because of the advertisements that are carried out about the industry. The industry helps in the development of the communities that are around areas that have tourist attraction sites. The hospitality industry is being challenged to construct communities that are stronger for the changing generations where things are done in a different way than they are normally run. The stakeholders offer a lot of help when it comes to long term business partnerships. The stakeholders look at advancing the corporate social responsibilities in order to have an impact on the community and also help make changes in peoples lives that would not have been able to do make it in life without a little help. The stakeholders encourage the public to get involved in volunteerism so that the public can be able to understand how the concept of corporate social responsibility works. Volunteerism helps give people an insight about life and makes them ready to always help. The spirit of helping and giving should be included in the school curriculum because majority of student do not understand what volunteerism is all about. People who have worked as volunteers at any point in their life make very good managers and hardly embezzle funds from the company. The hospitality industry is surrounded by compassionate people   who love to travel and are ready to learn the diverse cultures that the world has to offer, that is why hospitality   courses integrate very well with corporate social responsibility. The stakeholders like to work with leaders who are ready to listen to suggestions that people have because sometimes they turn out better than anything that they would have come up with. The stakeholders best know the areas in the society that need to be given attention by the corporate world such as the hospitality industry. The stakeholders write proposals to the business in the hospitality industry to guide them on projects that they should undertake which make changes in the society. The stakeholders ensure that they follow up with their proposals because when they go through they are called upon to undertake the projects. Majority of the projects are usually community based projects and hence every person in the society is entitled to the services that are going to be provided. Theories that support corporate social responsibility There are theories that support Corporate Social Responsibility. These theories help in guiding companies about the responsibilities that they should have. Mostly the theories have an impact on the society, the economy of a country and last but not least the environment in which we live in. The theories that influence corporate social responsibility are Clarkson theory, stakeholder theory and the shareholder theory. The stakeholder theory is about the stakeholders of the company who own of the company in their own way because without them then the company would not be in existence since they greatly contribute. This theory talks about recognizing them and making them feel important so that they can greatly support the company. The hospitality industry needs to put the stakeholders into consideration because they help in marketing, by recommending the products to new customers. This theory is all about the business ethics that should be adhered to. The stakeholders are the basis for a company when compared to the stockholders. However this theory faces contradictions based on the use of the profits that companies make. The argument behind is that whether the gains made by the company should be given first be given to the stockholders. The extension of the companies responsibilities to the society who are not stockholders or stakeholders is very important. The stakeholder theory besides considering the non stockholders to the companies also considers the employees to the companies, the communities that are localized, the institutions that are responsible for offering finances to the public in form of loans the customers and finally the organizations who are given tenders to supply goods and services to the hospitality industry. The stakeholder theory helps the company and industry managers to be able in to enter into the business environment that is bigger. It also teaches them to know the various ways of taking care of business and effect procedures that are important to the stakeholders. It also helps the managers to make major decisions about the company and think through about the impact that such decisions will have on the people in the society or all the stakeholders. This theory is dynamic because it gives room for changes in the companies and the companies will also need to adapt to these changes. However, when the company makes it a priority to increase the wealth of the stockholders, the stakeholders to the company can become sidelined and this not good for business. The stakeholder theory says that it is not ethical to fail putting into consideration the stakeholders interests. Companies who overlook the stakeholders look at the benefits of the company in a short term manner compared to the companies who look at making or getting benefits that are long term for sustainability. This theory says that it does not matter whether the company is in business for a long term period or a short one because either way they are supported by the society. Stakeholder theory helps corporations to define their reasons for existent and what they really are. It helps to analyze that, the companies exist because of the shareholders that they have. It says that with this aim the company surely prospers. Companies and industries are viewed as large organization even if they are not big enough because of the social integration that they have with the society. Proposals have been written to the United Kingdom government requesting them to include the section of corporate social responsibility in the constitution so that the industries and businesses in general can be of a common good to all citizens. The government has not made it mandatory for companies to put into application the stakeholders theory but it highly recommends it for companies that want with the support of the society. The Clarkson theory talks about the stakeholders but in a different classification. This theory classifies them into two groups; the primary stakeholders and the secondary stakeholders. This theory says that the stakeholders to a company have different interests in the company that they are members to. This classification enables the firms to be in a better position to develop its policies and more so its reputation. The firms will also be able to meet the benefits which accrue to them economically. The shareholder or stockholder theory is about the people who have capital in the business. It says that the stockholders need to see that the profits generated by the company go to a good course such as charitable activities. These theories have supported the corporate social responsibility in many companies whether is it done in a formal way or not. These theories have acted as a key and eye opener to many companies because they have helped them understand the concept of giving back to the society as they seek to expand. Many businesses face the challenge of knowing who they should give support to. They are torn between the stakeholders and the stockholders. The stockholders according to these theories only want the companies to participate in corporate social responsibilities when the company has made enough profit that can cater for such responsibilities. The stockholders do not like it when the company offers corporate social responsibilities on the expense of the stockholders. The conflict thus is still there as the companies keep on defining their policies. The companies also face the challenge of how far they should extend their responsibilities because there are companies who start foundations and support them for a long time and there are others who donate funds to onetime events that occur. The theories all conclude with a form of business that the company should employ which allows them to become more responsible in how they do business. This theories have helped in sealing some of the gaps that exist in many companies which the business were finding hard to take care of because they were not conducting business in the right manner. Many companies forget that involving the customers in business is what makes them to seal the gaps in the economy and policies to companies. A comparative analysis of millennium hotels UK and the organizations that are highly socially responsible Globalization has in every way helped the hospitality industry to move forward and to help the society. They have helped in curbing inequalities that are experienced in the economy. The other organizations take a section of the profits that they have made in a particular financial year and give to an organization that help in offering of charitable activities. The markets in which the goods and services are being traded nowadays are local and hence this makes the private companies to become more obligated in offering corporate social responsibilities. The global market operate socially nowadays because with the availability of internet stakeholders have the ability to post comments about the hospitality industries and the various organizations that contribute to the society. Sometimes the corporate social responsibility helps to tap investors, because investors like to invest in organizations that are conducting business legally and give back to the society. The other organizations like the millennium hotels in the United Kingdom do a research on what the customers want and hence take effect if what the customers want is possible. So many investors have invested in the millennium hotels because they have shown stability which is justified by the management team that they have in place which gives the investors confidence. The way the millennium group of hotels in which run the business is so professional and hence the contribution in the social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibility revolves about delivering what is in the mission statements that companies have. The millennium hotels in the United Kingdom have clearly shown this because they are not involved in scandals that other hotels face in the hospitality industry when customers complain about services that were offered. The millennium hotels are willing to build on assets that are not tangible because they give returns after an extended time. They are also are not afraid to effect changes when it comes to the structures that they have in the organization. The other organizations face a lot scrutiny and delay when it comes to making changes that affect the management. The millennium hotels are at an advantage because all they have to do is create a good name through the services that they offer to the customers. They also have to intensively advertise the hotels so that many people can become aware. The millennium hotels have excellent booking services since they have offices in the airports and also have fantastic facilities for recreational. This way they help to create demand for the goods that are readily available. The other organizations contribute to the corporate social responsibilities by training the local residents and offering them job opportunities. They teach them to be entrepreneurs because relying on being employed leaves a very small room for innovation. They are known to be very sensitive when it comes to gender issues. They employ women who are situated in the rural areas of the United Kingdom and also consider the youths who are just out of college and are looking for jobs. Most important they employ the people who are not skilled who are mostly based areas that are remote. They consider such persons when hiring workers because they know that the chances of them getting employed in places like the millennium hotels are very rare. The millennium hotels are commended for being able to create job opportunities and to make wealth out of utilizing resources that are naturally and culturally held. The millennium hotels are concerned about the rising levels of poverty in some countries especially in Africa. Helping the society in order to reduce poverty is not concerned with the moral obligation that people have in the society. Countries that have high levels of poverty are said to pose insecurity in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry in the developing countries is reported to grow at an alarming rate and hence there needs to be improvements so that the tourist or guests feel secure in those countries. There are so many cases of tourist getting robbed and even getting murdered in foreign countries or even residents getting hurt while in local hotels . The millennium group of hotels offers tight security to their guests. The decline in the well being of societies that host some of the organizations makes the society think less of them. For those companies whose societies are well kept, the implication created is that the stakeholders are taken care of well. The millennium hotels are situated in very clean environments that guests would love to associate with. It is upon the government   to figure out   how the other organizations apart from the millennium hotels maintain cordial relationships with the stakeholders. The millennium hotels offer support to countries that are sometimes affected by war. International peace is very important for many businesses and not just the hospitality industry. There is a great need to have programmes that are run by organizations from various industries so that they can come up with the creation of funds that are global. These funds are used to set up foundations and the rules of conduct that companies should use to guide them. This way this can help in creating an economy that is sustainable with time. These foundations can be used to protect the eco- system among other things. The other organizations need to come with a better strategy on how they will be responding to some of the issues, that the community needs to be addressed. These foundations should funded by long term businesses that are going to be operational for a long time so that they can assist the community more. This way they can generate very huge profits following the support from the society. Corporate Social Responsibility will one day become compulsory for all the companies because the society is the backbone of the companies. The market forces continue to be stronger and thus making sure that every company is up to date with the current happenings in the world. The other organizations are so focused on making profits for themselves such that they forget about the societies. They often violate the business ethics and hence most the times embezzle the stockholders capital. Majority of managers in this organizations are not honest since most of the time they run the business in the way they feel they should and not on how the rules state. Majority of this organization leave such responsibilities to the government.